Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014


6/52: even after getting a shot my little lovey is all smiles after a nice long nap

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dear Elodie (3 months)

(somebunny is super pumped to be 3 months old!)

Dear Elodie,

My smiley flirty girl.  You are really coming to life these days.  I love looking in the big hallway mirror with you and seeing you smile and hide your face in my chest.  I will do anything to see the big smile on your face.  And your laughs!  Your laughs just warm my heart.  You are seriously the cutest baby ever.  Even when you are being a little stinker and won't nap or won't go to sleep at night you are so cute.  You usually flash Daddy and me a big smile when you are being a stinker which makes it impossible to be frustrated with you.
(I think she knows that she is super cute)
(I think she is getting close to discovering her feet)

Currently we are struggling with napping.  You will only nap in my arms.  While I love it and truly savor every precious moment I get with you I know I have to get you napping on your own sooner rather than later.  I know we will get there.  I will miss holding you for a couple hours while you nap in my arms but it will also be nice to have a little time to myself during the day.  When I get frustrated and start to lose my patience I remind myself that I will really miss this.

(eek I just want to squeeze her!)
(always chatting and waving those arms and legs)

At 3 months old you...
... have started to laugh (I made you laugh for the first time January 22)
... rolled over from front to back on January 16... you did it multiple times that day and haven't done it since, haha
... talk talk talk talk talk up a storm
... love when daddy and I make funny noises with our lips and try to imitate them
... have started to grab at toys
... turn toward noises but only when you want to... you are already perfecting your selective hearing
... produce more drool than someone your size should be able to... I mean how it is possible?!?!

(could those thighs be more scrumptious?!?)
(I cannot imagine loving anyone as much as I love her)

I absolutely love spending every single day with you, watching you grow and witnessing your personality blossom.  You are such a treasure.  I love you so much!


(the cutest face there ever was)
(she looks upset but really she is just talking)

Monday, February 3, 2014

4/52 and 5/52

4/52: all bundled up to run errands

 5/52: out for a chilly walk to get some fresh air

I have to include some runner up photos...
runner up for 4/52: this is bliss

runners up for 5/52: trying on hats