(18 weeks, 3 days)
Dear Baby #2,
How are you doing my little love? I will admit I sometimes feel like I am not paying enough attention to you. Your big sister takes up all my time and energy. I do think about you all the time though. I have been so anxious to feel you moving around in there. Today I think I definitely felt you but your noticeable movements are so brief it is hard to be 100% sure I am feeling what I think I am feeling. I wonder if you will favor kicking my right ribs like your sister did. It is going to be extra special when your dada and big sister get to feel your punches and kicks too (maybe in a couple weeks).
Your big sister is totally clueless about your existence and honestly I
am not really sure she will know you are coming till after you arrive. As my belly gets bigger we will talk to her more and more about you. I
often wonder (and worry) about how I will handle being a mother to two
littles. I will love you both sooooo much (I already do) but I hope to
find a balance so that you both feel equally loved by me. Having you two be so close in age will be challenging for me but so amazing for you and your sister. I am really close in age with my younger brothers and they are my best friends. I really hope that you and your sister become the best of companions and stay that way all your lives.
We find out if you are a boy or a girl in a week and a half and we cannot wait to know!! Your daddy and I think you will be a boy but perhaps you will surprise us. Finding out if you are a girl or a boy means we will be half way to meeting you. Time is flying by so fast! We have some hurdles to tackle before you arrive... buying a house... moving... setting up a new house... and even though it stresses me out a little I know that everything will work out. We are anxiously awaiting your arrival little one but in the meantime stay put and keep growing big and strong. I love you so much!!
(18 weeks, 3 days - with both of my babies!!!)