Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dear Baby (37 weeks)

***I haven't gone into labor yet... I just took a small blogging break***

(36 weeks, 6 days)

Dear Little Lady,

Phew, I took a little break from blogging because the past few weeks have been really busy and exhausting for your mama.  Your daddy and I just finished our last weekend of wedding fun and traveling.  This past weekend your Uncle Will and Auntie Jenna got married in Saratoga Springs, NY.  What a fun wedding it was and what an awesome way to end our 2013 wedding marathon!  You let me keep up with everyone all day and get some good dancing in.  Thank you so much for that.  I know I don't do enough resting for you, but you are such a trooper. 

Did you know that Saratoga Springs is where your mama and daddy met?  Your daddy and I had to take a little drive around Skidmore campus to take a little walk down memory lane and see where is all began.  How crazy it was to be back there with you in my belly. 

Guess what... I am officially a stay-at-home mom!  Don't worry daddy, I will find something to do from home to make some money... I promise.  So far I have done 6 loads of laundry which means that all your little clothes, blankets, sheets and towels are clean and ready for you.  There are still so many things I need to do but I am trying really hard to space them out so I can get some good resting in every day.  I have to get my resting in while I can, right?

Oh, did I mention that we are FULL TERM today!!!  Technically that means that you can come anytime your little heart desires... AHHH!  I cannot wait to meet you but please give us just another week and a half so I can get everything ready for you. 

Your daddy and I love you so much!


(36 weeks, 6 days)

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