Sunday, February 21, 2016

Dear Jax (5 months old)

(just the sweetest face)

Dear Jax,

I will probably write this in every letter but you are just the sweetest little boy.  I hope you hold onto your sweetness forever and ever.  I am constantly wondering how your personality will unfold as you get older.  Will you stay my mellow sweet boy or will you become a rambunctious wild animal?  Perhaps you will be a little of both.  I am so looking forward to watching you grow but don't grow too fast, actually stay my baby forever wahhhhhhh.

(still can't get over how much I love his expressive eyebrows)

It has been so fun to watch you become so aware of the people around you and recognize people you know.  When you see someone you know you smile really big and shyly hide your face into my shoulder, it's the cutest.  It is especially wonderful to watch your face when you see your sister.  You absolutely light up!  She is pretty obsessed with you too.  It is my dream that you stay obsessed with each other forever and ever and ever.

(superman scrunch-face)

We had a fun Christmas in Montana though you decided that you were only going to sleep in someone's arms.  Having you sleep on me every night meant I hardly got any sleep but I would make any sacrifice for you little man.  It was pretty cold so we didn't take you out in the snow but next year we will and I think you will love it.  Next year we will get to spend Christmas with your three cousins... there will be five kiddies running around and it will be total chaos but totally awesome.  Not having your cousins there this year was a bummer but it did mean that you got lots and lots of extra snuggles from Grandma and G-Pa.

(that Elvis lip!)

At 5 months old you...
... light up when you see your big sister 
... have just discovered your feet
... love sticking out your tongue and blowing raspberries
... refuse to stay on your back for very long
... love crinkly baby paper
... are starting to take a WubbaNub (your sister's favorite)
... sleep in your crib like a big boy
... are really fascinated by screens of all kinds (phones, TVs, iPads)

(he makes a lot of noise these days)

Shortly after we came home from Montana, we had our first night apart.  Your dad and I went into New York City to go to a Phish concert together while you and Ellie stayed with Grammy and PaPa.  Your dad and I used to go to Phish concerts all the time - hopefully one day you will know how cool that is, haha.  I was very anxious about leaving you for the night.  We hadn't really given you a bottle and it is always just hard for me to be away from you and your sister.  Of course everyone survived though you and Ellie did give Grammy and PaPa a little bit of a rough night. 

(ahhhh I love him so much)
(just the sweetest face in the whole wide world)

You did give us quite a scare this month when you fell out of your rock n play sleeper and bumped your head.  I woke to the sound of a scream/cry over the monitor and when I looked you weren't in your bed so your dad and I bolted out of bed and ran into your room.  Well, I actually more stumbled/crawled to your room because I couldn't get my legs to work.  Thank goodness you didn't fall very far and you landed on the thick rug.  You cried for a few minutes and then you turned into your usual smiley self which was very reassuring for us.  To be safe we took you to the pediatrician the next day and confirmed that you were just fine.  Let's not ever have you get hurt again, ok?

(love the scrunched toes)
(always always always grabbing his toes)
(rolly polly)

Though I knew you should be sleeping in your crib it took you falling out of your rock n' play sleeper to force me to make the transition.  As with most things it went much smoother than I anticipated.  You are taking all your naps and sleeping at night in your crib now.  You always sleep on your stomach.  I was putting you down on your back but you never really settled like that and then when my parents watched you for a night my mom simply put you down on your stomach and that did the trick.  I always put you down on your stomach now and you sleep really well that way.   You are getting to be such a big boy already.

(so much sweetness)
(holding his own hands has become very fascinating for him)

We love you so much little man and we could have not asked for a more perfect addition to our family!  


P.S.  I think it is safe to say that you will officially get your Dada's brown eyes just like your sister.  In the beginning it did seem like you would maybe get my hazel eyes but alas I think I have lost this one yet again.  

(this boy is just the best)

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