Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dear Elodie (8 months old)

(notice the hand placement... it makes changing poopy diapers very interesting these days)

Dear Elodie, 

Well I think our photo shoots are going to get exceedingly difficult from here on out.  I wasn't able to take as many photos as I usually do because you wouldn't stop pulling the 8 month sticker off your onesie.  You were getting really frustrated with me, oh well.  I still managed to get some cute ones.  I am going to have to get creative with my distractions for the next photo shoot.

(striking her best model pose BEFORE the photo shoot started)
(but mom why won't you let me play with the sticker?!?)
(wahhhhhh you are so mean mom)

This month we celebrated you turning 8 months old by flying down to Asheville, NC to visit your Uncles Nick and Merrick and Aunt Naomi.  Oh how we wish we could be closer to them.  With Nick, Merrick and Naomi living so far away we really treasure every moment we get to spend with them... especially every moment they spend with you.  You got lots of snuggles from Aunt Naomi (she is kinda the best) and got to listen to your uncles play music and watch them make the best funny faces.  It is going to be absolutely magical to watch you bond with them as you get older.  We miss them so much already!!!

(family selfie on the plane)
(momentarily distracted by the sticker paper mom is waving over her head)

At 8 months old you...
... are going to crawl any second (you almost have it!)
... are completely grossed out by food
... are still a mama's girl (yippee)
... are perfecting your fake cough/fake laugh and it's hilarious
... played in the sand for the first time and tried to eat it
... always give dad a great big smile when you see him

(ooooooo the sticker paper - momentary distraction)
(screw the sticker paper cuz I found the sticker instead)

We started a baby class right after you turned 7 months old and it has been a really fun experience for both of us.  We sing lots of songs and get to spend time with other babies your age.  You certainly love being around other babies.  Though your approach isn't exactly gentle (mostly grabbing at the face/head) it is so cute to see you interact with your little friends.  I also like meeting other moms.  Hopefully by the last class we will have a few walking buddies to join us on an occasional walk around the neighborhood.

(dazed and confused?)
(she gets more and more expressive every day)

Food food food... no real progress on this front.  You absolutely refuse to eat anything on a spoon.  There is definitely a bad association with spoons and yucky stuff so we are putting the spoon aside for now.  I've decided to go back to a baby-led weaning approach and give you just real food to eat (no purees).  Hopefully we have more success with that.  The only successful eating experience we have had was when you ate some of Uncle Merrick's creamy fruit smoothie while we were in Asheville.  As I have said there is no rush so no need to force anything on the food front.  You are making it pretty clear that you will tackle solid food on your own terms so I know you will eat when you are ready.

(she is the love of my life - kev is too:-)

These days you are such a wiggle-worm.  You are almost always moving whether its simply kicking your legs in my arms or switching positions in my arms a million times.  I am so excited to see you crawl for the first time but also a little scared for myself because once you are mobile you will never sit still again.  I really hope that we still find our quiet moments to snuggle together.  There is nothing more perfect than when you sleepily rest your head on my shoulder.  Please always want to snuggle with your mama!!

(always always always moving in one way or another)

My precious lovebug, I love you to the moon and back (and then back to the moon and back again)!


(the famous scrunch face)

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