Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dear Elodie (1 month old)

(1 month old)

Dear Elodie,

Yesterday you turned 1 month old!!!  I had originally planned to post this yesterday but as usual the day got away from us.  We started yesterday by snuggling in bed together till 11:30am... thank you for letting mommy get some extra rest.  Then yesterday afternoon you decided that you only wanted to sleep in my arms and I didn't mind one bit.  To be honest I would never put you down if I didn't have to.  I am savoring every moment that you will snuggle up and fall asleep on my chest because I know you won't want to forever.

At one month old...
...your favorite spot to sleep is on mommy. have started to smile. absolutely love to watch daddy. make lots of noise. are a very loud and messy eater. 

Being your mommy is the greatest priviledge I have ever had.  This past month with you has been the best ever... a little sleep deprived but still the best.  Your daddy and I are absolutely head over heels in love with you. Keep growing and getting strong my precious girl... but don't grow too fast.


(yay for 1 month)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Elodie is here!!!


Elodie Kate Fournie

Our Little Lady made her fast and furious entry into the world on Sunday, November 3 at 10:22am weighing 6lbs 8oz and measuring 20 inches long. 

Kevin and I have been soaking up every second with our absolutely adorable little Ellie.  We could not be more in love.  I am pretty sure there is nothing better than new baby snuggles.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dear Baby (40 weeks)

(40 weeks!!!)

Dear Little Lady,

Today is your original due date... eek.  We fudged it a little with the midwives so your due date with them is November 1 but your dad and I like to think of Halloween as your due date. 

Last night your daddy and I had what we hope will be our last date night before you arrive.  Soooo got any plans for the rest of the day or tomorrow?  I think right now would be an awesome time for you to arrive!  Mama is really ready to meet you... Daddy is too but Mama is SUPER READY.

I don't want to rush you but please come soon Little Lady.  Your Daddy and I love you so much!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Dear Baby (39 weeks, 2 days)

(39 weeks, 1 day)

 Dear Little Lady,

Are you ready to come out yet?  Your daddy and I are ready to meet you!  I am hardly sleeping these days... preparing for many sleepless night ahead.  I would much rather have you here keeping me up than just not being able to sleep for no reason.  So what do you think, you wanna come out?  You have dropped a little bit because I have a little more lung room and a lot more pelvic pain than usual.  Does that mean you are getting yourself ready?  Everything is all set up and waiting for you.  Your Daddy and I hung all the artwork in your nursery.  All your "gear" has been put together.  Everything has been washed.  All we are missing is you!

Sooo the Cardinals are in the World Series right now.  Last night was game 2 and thankfully the Cardinals won (in Boston) which means the series is tied 1-1.  Now they head to STL for 3 games... let's go Cards!!!  Daddy and I think you are a good luck charm so let's get a Cards win, okay?  It would make your Daddy very very very happy.

Come soon Little Lady, we can't wait to meet you!!!


(39 weeks, 1 day) 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pregnanacy Update (38 weeks, 2 days)

(38 weeks, 1 day)

How far along: 38 weeks, 2 days today. 

Baby's size: She weighs around 6.8 pounds and is about 19.5 inches long (according to Babycenter).  Her size is always just the average provided by Babycenter because I have no idea how much she actually weighs or how long she is - we don't do any ultrasound measurements at my midwife appointments.

Boy or girl: It's a girl!

How am I feeling: I am feeling pretty pregnant these days.  I get tired really quickly and I get out of breath simply rolling over in bed.  Even though everything is really tiring and more difficult these days I haven't reached the end of my rope yet.  I've heard that at the end I am supposed to just be DONE with being pregnant and I don't feel like that yet.  Maybe I am just lucky or maybe our Little Lady isn't ready yet.    

Maternity clothes: I live in leggings and tank tops these days... it isn't pretty, haha.  

Sleep: Sucky.  Even when I am really tired I have a hard time falling asleep and when I do finally fall asleep I wake up every hour and a half to use the bathroom.  I guess I am getting ready for many many wakeful nights in the near future.  

Baby movement: Lots of shifting her butt around in my ribs and kicking me on my right side.

Food cravings: I am back to not knowing what I want to eat which isn't fun.  

Food aversions: Nothing... I just feel very indifferent about food. 

What I miss: I really miss knowing what I feel like eating.

Best moment(s): Getting all of our Little Lady's things ready.  I have washed everything, set up her changing table with her itty bitty diapers and her cradle is all ready for her to sleep in.  Kevin and I just have to hang all the artwork and the nursery will be ready.  We hung the Sharon Montrose animal prints over her crib the other night.  They are just too cute!    

(animal prints by Sharon Montrose)

What I am looking forward to: Meeting our Little Lady and finally being able to share her name with everyone.  It is pretty crazy to think that any day could be THE day!

(38 weeks, 2 days)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our Maternity Photos

We have had such a busy summer that I didn't think we would find any time to take maternity photos... but we did!  A couple weekends ago Marissa's sister Carly came to NYC from Boston to take some maternity photos for Kevin and I in Central Park.  The shoot was a gift from Marissa and I honestly do not think I could have asked for anything better.  The photos we have are ones that we will treasure forever.  Carly is so talented!  Every photo is just perfection.

Everyone in Boston please check out Carly Michelle Photography.  Carly was just incredible to work with.  She made the photo shoot so easy and relaxed and the photos completely exceeded our expectations. 

Marissa, Kevin and I want to thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for giving our growing family such a meaningful gift.  We love you!

*** All photos by Carly Michelle Photography ***

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dear Baby (37 weeks)

***I haven't gone into labor yet... I just took a small blogging break***

(36 weeks, 6 days)

Dear Little Lady,

Phew, I took a little break from blogging because the past few weeks have been really busy and exhausting for your mama.  Your daddy and I just finished our last weekend of wedding fun and traveling.  This past weekend your Uncle Will and Auntie Jenna got married in Saratoga Springs, NY.  What a fun wedding it was and what an awesome way to end our 2013 wedding marathon!  You let me keep up with everyone all day and get some good dancing in.  Thank you so much for that.  I know I don't do enough resting for you, but you are such a trooper. 

Did you know that Saratoga Springs is where your mama and daddy met?  Your daddy and I had to take a little drive around Skidmore campus to take a little walk down memory lane and see where is all began.  How crazy it was to be back there with you in my belly. 

Guess what... I am officially a stay-at-home mom!  Don't worry daddy, I will find something to do from home to make some money... I promise.  So far I have done 6 loads of laundry which means that all your little clothes, blankets, sheets and towels are clean and ready for you.  There are still so many things I need to do but I am trying really hard to space them out so I can get some good resting in every day.  I have to get my resting in while I can, right?

Oh, did I mention that we are FULL TERM today!!!  Technically that means that you can come anytime your little heart desires... AHHH!  I cannot wait to meet you but please give us just another week and a half so I can get everything ready for you. 

Your daddy and I love you so much!


(36 weeks, 6 days)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dear Baby (35 weeks)

(34 weeks, 6 days)

Dear Little Lady,

We have survived our last flying trip before you arrive!  Oh man your mama is so happy to be done flying.  This last flying trip was so much fun though.  We traveled to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin to watch your Uncle Zach and Auntie Ashley get married.  It was such a fun and intimate wedding and I am so glad we got to be a part of it.

The end of work is almost here.  I have only 5 days left!  I am so looking forward to a little more down time to work on your nursery.  As evidenced in the photo below it is currently in a state of chaos.  Your crib will be delivered and assembled on Friday morning, yippee.  Things are really starting to come together and are feeling more and more real.  We got a shipment of newborn clothes for you last night and I was pretty much dying over how cute and small everything is.  We have lots of snugly onesies to bundle you up in!

(the current state of the nursery... or babycave, RIP mancave)

I cannot believe that you will be here so soon!  The past 9 months have really flown by and I am getting more and more excited to finally be able to hold you in my arms.  Only two more weeks till we reach full term and go on official baby watch.  I have a feeling you will come just before your due date... wishful thinking on my part maybe.

Keep fattening up in there!  


(34 weeks, 6 days)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pregnancy Update (34 weeks)

(33 weeks, 6 days)

How far along: 34 weeks today. 

Baby's size: She weighs around 4.75 pounds and is about 18 inches long (according to Babycenter).  Her size is always just the average provided by Babycenter because I have no idea how much she actually weighs or how long she is - we don't do any ultrasound measurements at my midwife appointments.

Boy or girl: It's a girl!

How am I feeling: I managed to aggravate my left round ligament last week and I have been in quite a bit of pain since then.  I have been limping around and moving very slowly.  Sometimes it seems like every little movement is excruciating.  The only thing I can do to get the inflammation to go down is rest... which is easier said than done.  I have been going to see the chiropractor once a week and it has helped my back and sciatic nerve pain immensely.  Other than that I am doing really well.  I am pretty tired but still plugging along.      

Maternity clothes: I think I am entirely maternity these days except for my tank tops. 

Sleep: Still manageable.  Being tired all the time helps for sure and I am usually pretty comfortable if I have enough pillows.  I am sleeping on my sides only which is actually easier than I thought it would be.

Baby movement: She is still a mover and a shaker.  I feel a little heel stick out on my far left side all the time.  I am relishing in each and every shift, poke and kick because I know that I will miss them after she is born... even if they do hurt.   

Food cravings: Still nothing in particular though I have noticed an increase in my appetite. 

Food aversions: Nothing that I can think of.  There are certain things that don't sound appealing (like salad) but I wouldn't consider those real aversions.

What I miss: I still miss knowing what I feel like eating.

Best moment(s): My final baby shower with all my girlfriends here in NYC.  Marissa and Jenna did such a great job and really made me feel special.  I am so touched by everyone's genuine excitement and generosity for our Little Lady.     

What I am looking forward to: The end of work.  I only have 7 days of work left and I am so ready to not sit in this desk chair anymore, it is just too hard on my poor body.  I am also really looking forward to having more time during the day to check baby stuff off my to do list... there is so much futzing to be done!

(33 weeks, 6 days)
(on our 2nd wedding anniversary yesterday - we are so ready to be parents)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary Lovey!!!

Two years today I said 'I do' with my best friend and love of my life.  

Kevin, I love you more today than I did two years ago and I know my love for you will only grow as I watch you love our baby girl.  We have such a fun adventure ahead of us and I know we will be kick-ass parents!

I love love love you so much tookus!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Baby (33 weeks, 5 days)

Dear Little Lady,

This past weekend we were in Northport Point, Michigan for Charley and Catharine's wedding.  Your Auntie Catharine and I have been best friends for 11 years.  She cannot wait to meet you and spoil you!

(33 weeks, 3 days)

Traveling is getting more and more tiring but this trip was so worth it!  It was so nice to see the entire O'Brien/Noble crew... I hadn't seen some of them in about 10 years.  Everyone was so complimentary of my baby bump.  You have stayed pretty compact in there which has allowed me to keep some of my girlish figure, thank you for that!  It was a nice little boost since I have been feeling pretty sluggish and lumpy lately.  I did my best to be a trooper and not leave the party early for both the rehearsal dinner and the wedding.  I was out till about 11:30/12 both nights which is certainly late for me these days, haha. Your daddy was such a sweetheart and didn't give me a hard time when I was moving slower than usual.  He is the best. 

Your daddy got to play a round of golf before the wedding.  He sure does love his golf.  Silly me didn't tell him there was a golf course there (honestly, I didn't even remember!) so he had to borrow clubs, oops.  It was such a nice weekend and we kinda fell in love with the area so we plan to take a trip back sometime. 

We have one more flying trip this weekend and then we are done... with flying that is.  Does all this traveling tire you out?  I hope I am taking it slow enough for you.  Time is really flying by.  I can hardly believe that you will be here in +/- 6 weeks!  I guess I better do some more work on that nursery of yours.

Your daddy and I love you so much!     


(33 weeks, 3 days)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dear Baby (33 weeks)

Dear Little Lady,

You are so spoiled!  I went to your THIRD baby shower this past weekend.  Your Auntie Marissa and Auntie Jenna threw you the sweetest little party with food I am still dreaming about and the most pinteresty party favors.  Marissa and Jenna put so much thought and effort into each detail, it was so special.  Thank you ladies soooo much for being such awesome friends and aunties!!! 

We each filled out "Wishes for Baby Fournie."  I read them all out loud and had to fight back the tears.  Everyone has the sweetest wishes for you Little Lady!  I am putting them in a book with the "wishes and wisdom" from your St. Louis baby shower.  They will be so special for you to read when you are older.   

And... guess who was at the shower all the way from Singapore... Claudia!!!  Marissa, Claudia and I haven't all been together since last December so the reunion was long overdue.

To all the wonderful ladies who bought presents for our Little Lady and celebrated with me on Sunday... thank you so so so much!  It was the perfect celebration!

Being the first of our friends here in NYC to have a baby, I was a little nervous about how everyone would feel about it.  Most of our friends aren't ready to have their own babies.  I knew everyone would be happy for us but the true outpouring of love that we have received for you is incredible.  We have the best friends.  They already love you so much and are anxiously awaiting your arrival.

Keep growing strong and kicking me... even though it hurts, I know it means that you are doing well.  Your daddy and I love you so much!


(32 weeks, 6 days)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dear Baby (32 weeks)

Dear Little Lady,

This past weekend your daddy and I went on our babymoon to Bermuda.  It was the last vacation we will take before your arrival and pretty much the only traveling we have done for just the two of us all year.  Oh boy did we really need this relaxing time alone.  We have been so caught up with all our obligations this summer and all the prep work for your arrival that we have hardly had time to breath.

We spent most of our vacation doing... nothing.  It was awesome.  We just laid on the beach and floated in the ocean.  Your dad drank his Cambridge Splashes while I sipped my virgin strawberry daiquiris... yummmm.  I even got my first prenatal massage!  Could you tell I was feeling more relaxed?  My sciatic nerve didn't bother me once on our whole trip!

(31 weeks, 2 days)

Your daddy went fishing one morning and caught a 10 pound bone fish.  You should be very proud!  They are not easy to catch and that was a really big one.  Your daddy is so excited to teach you how to fish!      

I am pretty sure I fell even more in love with your daddy during this vacation.  Watching him rest his hand on my belly and talk to you just melts my heart.  He loves you so much.  I could not have fallen in love with a better man, I am so lucky.  I cannot even imagine how much my love for him will grow when he holds you for the first time.  Thinking about it already brings tears to my eyes.

(paradise with the two loves of my life!)
(31 weeks, 2 days)

We are all rested and ready to finish all our preparations for your arrival.  We cannot wait to meet you!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pregnancy Update (31 weeks)

(31 weeks)

How far along: 31 weeks today. 

Baby's size: She weighs around 3.3 pounds and is about 16 inches long (according to Babycenter).

Boy or girl: It's a girl!

How am I feeling: Tiredddddd.  Kevin and I have been so busy with classes and traveling that it feels like we haven't had a moment to catch our breath recently.  I also haven't been getting in bed till almost 11:30 every night, naughty naughty.  Thankfully we are taking our babymoon this weekend so we will have plenty of time to recharge before we plow through our busy September.  I am also feeling pretty achy these days.  My hips hurts, my sciatic nerve hurts, everything hurts, haha.  I am scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor to see if we can alleviate some of my discomfort and I am getting my first prenatal massage this weekend.  I can't wait!

Maternity clothes: Last night Kev took me to buy some maternity tops because all the t-shirts I have been getting away with have become a little too short in the front.  Except for my long stretchy tanks, I think that everything I wear these days is maternity.  I am definitely lucky that I got away with so many regular clothes till now.  It does seem silly to spend money on clothes at this point since I will only use for the next 2 months or so... then I have to buy some new nursing appropriate clothes, ugh.

Sleep: I have started sleeping only on my sides though sometimes I do wake up on my back.  I am trying to encourage Little Lady to turn 90 degrees.  Sleeping on my sides isn't too bad but it certainly hurts my hips.  Between all the bathroom trips and the constant flipping from side to side I am not sleeping very well.

Baby movement: She moves around all the time still.  Her movements have gone from distinct jabs to more rolling and pushing.  Sometimes I just wonder what on earth she is doing in there.  She has found a nice sensitive spot on the lower left side of my stomach to push on repeatedly and it hurts... it feels like she is bruising some internal organ.    

Food cravings: Still nothing at all, boo.

Food aversions: Still have no real appetite but no major food aversions.

What I miss: I still miss knowing what I feel like eating and feeling hungry.

Best moment(s): Definitely the two baby showers that this spoiled little munchkin has had so far.  She sends a HUGE thank you to both sets of grandparents!  I have been so overwhelmed by everyone's generosity and genuine excitement over this Little Lady, it has been so heartwarming.

We got a much better view of Little Lady at our 3D/4D re-do ultrasound.  I still can't get over how cute she is.  Kevin and I just can't wait to meet her and hold her and kiss her and love her.  It is crazy to think that she could be here in just two months, time is flying by! 

What I am looking forward to: BERMUDA!!!  Kevin and I leave tomorrow evening for a little babymoon in Bermuda.  I just cannot wait to sleep in and enjoy some alone time with my love.  

(31 weeks)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Baby (30 weeks, 5 days)

Dear Little Lady,

This past weekend we went to St. Louis to visit your daddy's family and celebrate your second baby shower.  What a fun trip it was.  We got to spend lots of time with your G-Paw and Grandma.  G-Paw loved the card you made for him - you are so thoughtful.  We got to go to Ted Drewes for frozen custard TWICE!  It was so tasty.  I always get the All Shook Up with bananas and Reeses peanut butter cups... I'm sure you would like to have another one right now!  Of course we also had to stop at Carl's for cheeseburgers, they are your daddy's favorite.

We got to go to Busch Stadium for the Cardinals game on Friday night.  It was my first time at Busch Stadium... yours too.  Every time we go to a baseball game I can't help but picture your daddy taking you to your first game... hopefully your first game will be a Cardinals game.  I know he can't wait for that.  Obviously because we were there the Cardinals won!   

Your Grandma threw you the sweetest baby shower... there were even elephant cake pops!  I may or may not have eaten four of them. 

All the ladies at the shower are so excited to meet you!  You received so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts.  Your Grandma asked everyone to bring you a book for your library so we have lots of new books to read you.  Your daddy read you Harry the Dirty Dog last night.  Did you like that one?  We had so much fun at the baby shower, didn't we?  I know you loved your gifts because you kept kicking me while I was opening them.  I can't believe you still have one more baby shower, you sure are spoiled!  Where am I supposed to put all your things?

Thank you Grandma for throwing Little Lady such a sweet shower!

We are getting closer and closer to meeting you and we couldn't be more excited.  It's crazy to think that the next time we see your G-Paw and Grandma you will be here!

We love you little one, keep growing... and maybe think about turning vertical sometime in the next few weeks, no pressure.


(30 weeks, 5 days)