Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dear Baby (32 weeks)

Dear Little Lady,

This past weekend your daddy and I went on our babymoon to Bermuda.  It was the last vacation we will take before your arrival and pretty much the only traveling we have done for just the two of us all year.  Oh boy did we really need this relaxing time alone.  We have been so caught up with all our obligations this summer and all the prep work for your arrival that we have hardly had time to breath.

We spent most of our vacation doing... nothing.  It was awesome.  We just laid on the beach and floated in the ocean.  Your dad drank his Cambridge Splashes while I sipped my virgin strawberry daiquiris... yummmm.  I even got my first prenatal massage!  Could you tell I was feeling more relaxed?  My sciatic nerve didn't bother me once on our whole trip!

(31 weeks, 2 days)

Your daddy went fishing one morning and caught a 10 pound bone fish.  You should be very proud!  They are not easy to catch and that was a really big one.  Your daddy is so excited to teach you how to fish!      

I am pretty sure I fell even more in love with your daddy during this vacation.  Watching him rest his hand on my belly and talk to you just melts my heart.  He loves you so much.  I could not have fallen in love with a better man, I am so lucky.  I cannot even imagine how much my love for him will grow when he holds you for the first time.  Thinking about it already brings tears to my eyes.

(paradise with the two loves of my life!)
(31 weeks, 2 days)

We are all rested and ready to finish all our preparations for your arrival.  We cannot wait to meet you!


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