Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dear Elodie (6 months old)

(she has perfected the scrunchy face)

Dear Elodie,

Let's agree to just slow down, ok?  How are you already 6 months old?  I cannot believe we are half way to your first birthday.  We have been getting a little stir-crazy here.  The crappy weather has kept us inside for way too long, but we have finally gotten some warm weather and we have been spending every moment we can outside.  You are so fascinated by all the people we see when we are out and about, especially the little kids.  I just signed us up for a baby class at the 92nd Street Y because I know you will love being around other babies your age.  Hopefully we will meet some fun mommy and baby friends that we can see outside of class too. 

(mid-sentence - she has lots to say)
(sometimes it looks like she is thinking sneaky thoughts)

I am happy to report that you are napping on your own in your crib!  The transition was so much easier than I thought it was going to be.  You are such a good baby (your daddy and I are so lucky).  When going down for a nap (or bedtime) we turn on your sleep sheep and your music box in your crib then I will nurse you in the glider and put you down still awake in your crib with your little army of wubbanubs.  Usually you play with your music box and then roll over and put yourself to sleep without making a fuss at all.  Sometimes there is some protest but for the most part you happily put yourself to sleep.  I absolutely love coming in to get your after you wake up.  The big smile on your face when I turn on the light is just the best. 

(sometimes we call her stone-faced killer...)

We started solid foods!  Your first food was avocado which you gladly smooshed around on your highchair tray.  I am not sure much actually made it in your mouth.  We have tried spoon feeding you egg yolk which has had mixed results.  You have also tried sweet potato and some chicken.  So far you really don't seem terribly interested in eating solid foods at all.  You will play with everything but very little gets in your mouth.  You make the funniest face every time you try some food... it looks like you have eaten something sour even though nothing you have tried is sour.  When you tried sweet potato you just gagged and gagged.  I am going to get a little more creative with flavors and hopefully that will encourage you to eat a little more.  We will just take our time, there is no rush!

(she really makes the best faces)

At 6 months old...
... you screech and squeal all day long
... you love sticking your tongue out
... you love scrunching up your face and blowing spit bubbles as hard as you can
... your favorite toys are Sophie the Giraffe and of course your beloved WubbaNubs
... you would jump jump jump all day long if mommy's arms could keep up
... you enjoy watching Disney movies until you notice the remotes, then all your attention is diverted to the remotes
... you absolutely love being outside, especially when there are lots of people to watch
... you sleep on your tummy with your butt sticking up in the air, it's pretty much the cutest thing ever

(she doesn't stop talking from the moment she wakes up)

There are so many things I hope I never forget about you right now.  At the top of that list is the way you bury you face into my neck when you are shy or tired.  I hope that I am always the shoulder that brings you comfort.  I cannot tell you how special it makes me feel when you reach out to me.  I savor every moment that you are a mama's girl.  You are my best little buddy.  We spend most of our walks with you in my arms and I wouldn't have it any other way (even when my arms get tired).  I don't want to miss any moment of you in my arms or you blowing spit bubbles on my shoulder or you chewing on my face (yes that happens).     

(she can be such a flirt)

There are no words to describe how deep and powerful my love is for you.  You have brought me so much joy over the past 6 months.  I simply cannot imagine life without you.  You are such a joy and the sweetest baby in the whole wide world.  I love you with all my heart!

(this pink bow... I mean could she be any cuter?!?!)
(sometimes she looks so serious, haha)

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